Monday, March 28, 2011

Excuses, Excuses...

Typically I use 2 - 3 different computers each day.  At home.  My photos are spread all over the place; therefore, I'm not posting a lot of photos since the photos I want are not on the computer I'm using.

I'm pretty tired right now.  Husband and I had to keep our son up late then wake him up very early to prep him for a sleep deprived EEG to check for absence seizures.  So... yeah, my mind is a little preoccupied with all that.  Our little guy handled the whole thing like a champ though!  We were nervous considering how he loathes anything or anyone touching his head/ scalp (though he'll wear some hats).  The kind woman running the tests attached 20-some wires to his scalp, so it was really a testament to how far he's come with his sensory issues. 

While in the waiting room, we heard a young child screaming bloody murder while having the same test done.  It was not encouraging.  When we were called back for the test, I tried to discreetly speak with the tester to inform her that our son has some sensory issues around the scalp, just to give her a heads up in case there were issues.  I hoped my son didn't hear me, I didn't want to create a self-fulfilled prophecy situation.  He did wonderfully. :)  We go to the neurologist next week, and hopefully that office will have the results in by then.

On the lighter side, we visited the aquarium in Baltimore.  It was our second trip there with our son.  The first time, he wasn't very interested.  This time, interest was high!  We even rode the train down, which was a first for all of us.  Oh, Maryland public transportation... at least it's there!(?)  Anyway, it went very well, despite my bone-headedness in not buying round-trip tickets right off the bat.  What was I thinking??  Lots of photos... on my camera still.  The other computer is the one with the slot for the sd card.  And now this blog post has come full circle...

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