Thursday, March 3, 2011

Window Washing

It must be a weird moon phase or something's going on because I decided it was time to do some cleaning.  Armed with my sprayer bottle and a towel, I began spraying and wiping some of the mirrors in the bathroom.  My son saw me and wanted to help.  

Is it weird to say I've been dreaming of this day?

Lo' and behold:
Working those hand muscles!
Wax on!  Wax Off!

I introduced the squeegee as an afterthought.
Well, there you have it.  My darling window washer (with an admirer).

This is a very good activity for my son for many reasons:  strength building, coordinating, both fine and gross motor skills, concentrating, etc.  I have been a humongous fan of Montessori education, and as I speak with my son's various therapists, I can easily see how much Dr. Montessori truly understood the needs of our children.  Window washing falls under the practical life category, and I'll admit I bought that little spray bottle over a year ago waiting until he was ready to use it. 

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