Friday, February 25, 2011

Rainy Day Fishing

Pretty lousy weather today, but that doesn't mean a lousy time! I've wanted to make this for a while, but finally did it after watching my son recreate a fishing game he did in occupational therapy recently.

The OT version involved more gross motor skills, and I wasn't sure how well he'd do with my version. All in all it went over fairly well! I mean, he asked to play it 4 times, with each session lasting 20-40 minutes. Not bad!

The recent fishing games he'd done involved the alphabet, so I continued the trend
and printed a moveable alphabet from After cutting out the letters, I taped a paper clip to the back of each piece of paper. Next, I took a round magnet (the kind you buy in a craft store that is super strong), tied and taped a piece of string to it, then wrapped it in paper and taped that up as well. I attached the other end of the string to a length of 1/2" diameter dowel I had laying around (I KNEW keeping that was a good idea! You can never have too many lengths of dowel rods laying around the house!). I stocked a laundry basket/ "lake" with our "fish," and in typical fashion, my son fished for each letter alphabetically.

Now, of course, I have big plans for laminated letters with a picture of fish somehow and with paper clips hidden inside (oh, I have a plan to do that!). Just another task to put on the list!

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